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Sunday, January 23, 2011

Exit Signals

All my signals were hit. I am totally out of the market. I do not argue with the tape.

"A speculator of great genius once told me: “When I see danger signal handed to me, I don’t argue with it. I get out. A few days later, if everything looks right, I can always get back in again. Thereby I save myself a lot of worry and money. I figure out this way, if I were walking along a railroad track and saw an express train coming at me at sixty miles an hour, I would not be damned fool enough not to get off the track, and let the train go buy. After it had passed, I could always get back on the track again, if I desired. I have always remembered that as a graphic bit of speculative wisdom." Livermore


Pau said...

Same here sir. Exits were hit last Friday :) Just waiting for the next plays to clear up. Congrats on your recent winnings!

About tracer said...

congrats to you too. Ingat lang sa correction, will not catch dips.
Will re-enter when there is a trend, nothinh more. Probe MER, looks like ok, gain agad.

Pau said...

Thanks Sir for the advice :) I hate catching dips, I'm not good at it...i just lose money so it's a wait and see :)

Taking your advice on MER sir :) will put a probe position when the opportunity comes.

Anonymous said...

Hi tracer.... I am also mostly out except one.......

About tracer said...

I am just waiting for green signals to appear. Though market looks attractive.