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Saturday, January 15, 2011

Books I Read and Follow

If you read these books, do not read it like a novel, study it, like you have a board examinations.
The first book I read was "How to trade in stocks" by Jesse Livermore, first, I read it like a novel, since it was very amusing, his life story, after a year around 2009, I re-read it again, and I have found that, Livermore was telling something, I followed it, including his record keeping. I do not know how many times I have re-read it until I believed I knew what his system was. The sitting tight, the pivot points and the time element and psychology of trading. Thus born, my 2009 Livermore quotes in  AP ,AEV ,DMC ,URC ,PX ,PAX ,SCC , SECB runs, even when the Gurus were bearish.

Second interesting book was The Complete Turtle Traders and Trend Follower by Covel. In which the Green signals was derived. Psychology books "trading in the Zone" by Mark Douglas is a must and so with "Trading for a Living b A. Elder.

I bought this at Power Books

I bought this at Borders in Los Angeles
All these, plus market experienced and observing quietly from the best Margin Caller  I have ever seen.


Harley Wong said...

thanks boss.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Bass Tracer reveals his tomes of knowledge. I have Covel's Trend Following. I will try to study trend following soon to add more arrows to my quiver. I wish I could say "Holy Cow" someday Boss Tracer. Thanks for sharing this.

About tracer said...

you are all welcome. I am glad to help anyone who likes to learn.

" " If a man empties his purse into his head, no man can take it away from him. "

Anonymous said...

thanks for sharing this book sir. :D
always following your posts. :D

Samael said...

Thanks for sharing these books sir tracer! Currently reading Trend following~