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Thursday, January 20, 2011

BEL ringggggggggggg 9

One thing good in buying New highs, it is the line of least resistance, only few get stuck, only the latest entrants who needs some green behind but was stuck a few handles due to margin callers and profit takers. So, if you study the chart, a black candle appears almost every third day.so the tatsuki debate. Just do not forget your stop, always plan your trade, and trade your plan.


Anonymous said...

Boss Trace, given the weak market sentiment and two day decline of BEL,is the uptrend still in-tact?de

About tracer said...

who knows??? Uptrend still intact, but general market sentiment looks weak. I have reduced my position from my pyramid, 50% balance, although 50% of my portfolio is BEL. others are NIKL and LOTO.

Anonymous said...

BEL is my core stock and NIKL is my 2nd. We'll, lets just let the ticker do the unravelling. I hope to see your "Holy Cow!" on BEL's thread next week. = )