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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

From My Diary, Not A Bad Call on A Super Bearish market

Although I was wrong about the market doing the opposite, it all depends on your picks and your greens behind.

Closing Price Friday-Mon- Tues
MER     276-  278-  276 :-)
ACR      1.52-1.44-1.46 :-(
PWR      0.73-0.86-0.90 :-)
JGS MPI SMC/B too stable. URC creeping up.
JGS         26.86- 26.20- 25.6 :-(
MPI        3.48   - 3.35-3.41 :-(
SMB          31.0-31.0- 31.0 :-)
URC           42.90-42-40.9 :-(

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