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Thursday, January 26, 2012

Money Management New 4

AS previously mentioned, I will sell 1 ,3 and 6, all falied probes.
New probe no. 6, ( should have been 7 ).
Item no 3, looks like too many sellers.  I am itching to sell it.

One thing important when you want to sell, sell in an up trend and try to sell near the top to lessen you loses.
Nice lesson, first time I have done that.


Anonymous said...

Hi Mr Tracer,

Thanks for sharing your ideas ...what are your indicators if its toppish? volume is thin? ...thanks for again for sharing - Nubie

About tracer said...

thin volume is good after a heavy volume. Problem if the stocks does not move or go down on a heavy volume.

About tracer said...

When it resumes its advance again in a few days, you will notice that the volume of sales at that time is not nearly as large as it was in the beginning of the move. The stock is becoming harder to buy. That being the case, the next points in the movement will be much more rapid than before. Livemore