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Sunday, December 25, 2011

Example of Money Management Final

Not bad for 3 weeks trading on a bearish sentiment market.

Great traders concentrate on good risk management. They constantly manage their open positions. Linda Bradford Raschke

Position Sizing is THE most important aspect of your trading system, because if you have positive expectancy, your position sizing rules will determine your profits.  Dr. Tharp - Trade Your Way To Financial Freedom


Anonymous said...

Sir Tracer,

What are your bases for cutting losses/taking profits? Do you use technical analysis?

In taking profits, do you sell all allocations, or leave some behind?

About tracer said...

price action is my basis. Some TA and FA, but mostly price action.

If I gain more than 100%, i sell 50% to protect my gains. Sometimes even less..

Anonymous said...

is this forex sir? are these intraday trades? it think its best to show the chart of your trading so we can learn how you manage your position.

About tracer said...

FX is intra day. I am off the mark with my FX. Have to take a vacation in FX.