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Friday, October 28, 2011

Green Signals 3

Above Chart March 2009 Bottom, Have been overbought from March to Jun 2009, 4 months straight before a July mild correction, check the volume relation.

Is this the same as October 1987 to 1989 rally???? Two years up with normal correction???
As per wikepdia about Black Monday 1987 crash, "Following the stock market crash, a group of 33 eminent economists from various nations met in Washington, D.C. in December 1987, and collectively predicted that “the next few years could be the most troubled since the 1930s

"Price is the reality, Intelligence is the appearance."

October 3, 2011 at 10665, can the rally continue??? Just follow the trend and have rules that you will not violate. 

as Per Livermore "Remember that stocks are never too high for you to begin buying "

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