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Monday, July 25, 2011

Bears VS Bulls 3

What a boring day for p6, although 28 issues made a significant bounce intraday and 16 issues from previous days closed. Foreign buying up.1,904,060,778 against selling, 1,532,210,598.

Base from June 2 prices, Banking sector was the strongest, coming from BDO, SECB, RCB and UPB.
Power Sector, AP is the strongest.

Property sector sideways for sometime due to mining plays and now have some life from ALI, FLI, GERI, RLC
Mining plays, my favorite LCB.

Have switch positions on some of my holding for a 25% profit.

Shorts Agony 3 year charts. 380% down from their 2007 glory days, just look at the volume and you will observed that a lot of bears were burned hard, or waiting to take revenge on the market.

Shorting stocks is dumb because the odds are stacked against you. The stock market has been rising by over 10 percent a year for many decades. Why would you want to go against that trend?”Steve Lescarbeau. Market Wizard

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