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Thursday, June 30, 2011

PX New High 23.90

I really Love New High. only Happy investors and all the miserable losers are out.

Life is so Beautiful

From My Diary Posted around 6 this morning.

It is amazing about my PCOR call, I just posted it around 6 am this morning and only 2 views today.
It is either I have the right calls or that viewers are fund managers.

Allergic to Gaps

Here is why I am allergic to gaps, almost sideways forever with a few hiccups.
Maybe those who held on and hope were just to eager to take revenge when the price goes up, so a strong resistance.

ICT has created a different kind of Gap, so I would post it for the record so we can look back at price action after a year.

The Dow Rally

NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. stocks ended a volatile quarter on Thursday with their biggest four-day rally since September as positive economic data and a temporary resolution of Greece's debt crisis indicated further gains in July.

The Market always do the opposite most of the time. That is why 95% of traders lose. They try to predict the unpredictable. Many thinks that they are wiser than the market.

Yesterday, P6 has the highest foreign buying at 3,188,961,192 pesos compared to selling 1,867,143,529.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Huge Gaps

Sad to see another huge GAP in the top loser, will he join the ranks of those stocks with huge gaps and takes years to get filled? As I said before, gaps can be filled easily if there is a really good news. So far, Not a single one of them got filled for a long time.

I pity the newbies on this one.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

USD CHF Short 2

The PX Foreign Buyers

Very interesting average buying price foreign buyng at 22.10, now almost closing time and price at 22.75.

Most sellers at 22,00 from COL. An easy 1M profit.

Pre Open

Previous closed 2.50

Previous closed 20.35

Looks like another Gap Up

Yours Truly

The "N" Factor and Panic Buying

The goal of a good trader, paradoxically, is not to make money.
His goal is to trade well. If he trades right, money follows almost as an
afterthought. Successful traders keep honing their skills. Trying to reach
their personal best is more important to them than making money. .  A. Elder

At Last New High 2

Monday, June 27, 2011

In The Beginning 2

Comparison when Land started vs APO. The price in Land almost drop near where it gap, but bounce back after 2 days forming the "N" Factor.

The solution is simple, if you are not gaining, just sell and do not hope, if you are gaining hold.  Nobody knows for sure where it will go.

From My Diary Posted Last Saturday

Not A Bad Call, especially for SECB and AT .

At Last New High

I Love New highs and it's APO.

At Last I found You, new highs, on;y happy investors.

The market

Interesting to note, my TF blog traffic has increased to 200 hits per day and my diary increase from 6 to 7 :-)

Dow futures green, Europe Up, maybe happy days again tomorrow. My picks for the week, only one went thru, SECB.

Anyway, as per Livermore quote, if you are fortunate enough to have 100% gain, it is a good idea to reduce to 50%, so let them play with their money and you can ride the a buckling horse with ease.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

PX Pre Open

No so much sellers at 24

The Green Signals

On the first GS ( GREEN SIGNAL ) on April, Market concerns was US Govt. shut down.
On First week of May, Jobless report DJIA down big time 4 straight days.
On Mid may, DJIA fell 5 straight days, commodities fell.
On June 23, Greek Economic problem.

The market never cares. That is why in Trend Following, we just follow the trend and wait for danger signals.
If you do not have discipline, you are out a long time ago. Because traders always love good news but the market beast has his own mind designed to make you fail if you do not have an edge and discipline.
No News, No Hype, only the price and you.

If there is additional bearish news and the price doesn't go down, I will go nuts. Stuart Walton, Market Wizard

Friday, June 24, 2011

The Pied Piper

It is not bad to sell for profit, for expert Technical Analyst only, Ratio is 1 in  thousand.
In my observation, P6 has only 4% daily gains  for an actively traded stocks, less commission say 1%, you have 3% gain If you can catch tops and bottoms 3 days in a row, you have 9% gain in a week. And not all days are bullish.

If you have 6% stops, and your next stock you buy goes down, then your 9% for the week profit falls to 2%.
Stocks can only be manipulated for a day or 2, in order to profit, Some guys call their followers in order to have some price movements. That's why you can see most top ten gainers are not in the active stock.

That is why sometimes it top gainer today and tomorrow top loser. 

Below quote is the experienced of Livermore when he day traded.

"I traded in eleven hundred shares of stock, jumping in and out. And the net result of the day's operations was that I lost exactly eleven hundred dollars. That is to say, on my first attempt, nearly one-half of my stake went up the flue. And remember, some of the trades showed me a profit. But I quit eleven hundred dollars minus for the day. Livermore


Even if USD has been trending down for 7 months now, since the trend is down, money can still be made.
How far it will go, nobody knows for sure, I am just following a well define trend.

Not A Bad Call

Not a bad call at all.

PX 21.3 to 23.3
LCB 1.05 to 1.07
NIKL 19.12 to 19.0
URC 41.5 to 42.05
BDO 53.6 to 54.9


In The Beginning

Just like Old times..... The "APO"

Thursday, June 23, 2011

PX Top Buyers

From My Diary Posted around 11 this morning. 2

History always repeat itself. :-)

I Love New Highs

PX New Highs, Only happy investors and all the miserable losers are out.


Always trade the first day of the GAPS.

Eat My Gold Dust

Those who have critized me for not selling at 21 before can eat my  Gold Dust.

Pre OPen

The "N" Factor

A trend Follower just follow trends and watch danger signals. I am a very poor in catching tops and bottoms.
If I sold before at 21, will how sure am I can re-enter at 19. If I transfer to other stocks, how sure am I it will go up and not get stuck. Definitely, nobody is sure.

All I am sure is, I am following a trend and have a lot of greens behind.

Always Short Covering at the Closed 2

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

From My Diary Posted around 11 this morning.

URC  42.00, amazing.

I Love Gaps

Try to trade the first day of a gap, for gaps usually indicate violent new action. We have come to respect "gaps" in our nearly thirty years of watching markets; when they happen (especially in stocks) they are usually very important. Rascke

Bears VS Bulls

It is really gratifying to have a right call, especially when majority is on the other side, as if the market cares about their valedictory opinions. Market never cares at all, It is designed to fool the majority,

It was never the money that drove me. It was the game, solving the puzzle, beating the market that had confused and confounded the greatest minds in history. For me, that passion, the juice, the exhilaration was in beating the game, a game that was a living dynamic riddle, a conundrum to everyone who speculated on Wall Street. Livermore

Thursday, June 16, 2011

From My Diary, Not A Bad Call on A Super Bearish market 2

Not a bad call on a bearish week.

        Last Friday         Today
MER     276                   269
ACR      1.52                 1.52
PWR      0.73                 0.88
JGS MPI SMC/B too stable. URC creeping up.
JGS         26.86-            26.0
MPI      3.48                 3.62
SMB      31.0                 31.0
URC     42.90-                40.25

Foreign Buying vs Locals Selling 2

Record Keeping by the Greats

Importance of record keeping is as old as Wall Street.

"I urge you to keep a little notebook with you. Jot down interesting market information: thoughts that may be helpful in the future; ideas that may be re-read from time to time. Little personal observation you have made on price movements. " Livemore

" Those who plot data by hand often develop a physical feel for prices." A. Elder
"The shock of the experience gave me clarity. I understood that stocks don't go up and stay up because of stories, tips, or people's opinions; they go up for specific reasons." Stuart Walton, Market Wizard

"Once you were right about the trade numbers, it would hardly be surprising that you would get the direction of the market right. Even dreaming about the exact price levels is not so absurd, because you have an exceptional feel for market swings. "Lipschutz. Market Wizard

I constantly try to figure out how the market can trick or frustrate the majority of investors. Mark Minervini


I love big gaps, most of the time it means something.

Foreign Buying

From June 3 to 16 June there were 450, 492,044 Pesos  More Foreign buying than selling.
Just Imagine what P6 would do if they sell that amount in a single day.

Dow Last Minute Panic Buying

The closing prices of daily and weekly bars tend to reflect the actions of
professional traders. They watch the markets throughout the day, respond tochanges, and become especially active near the close.  Elder

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Foreign Buying vs Locals Selling

The PWR of "N"

Never fear the Market, if you are loosing, never  add position,  just exit. If you are gaining, Just ride the trend and never forget your stops.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

From My Diary, Not A Bad Call on A Super Bearish market

Although I was wrong about the market doing the opposite, it all depends on your picks and your greens behind.

Closing Price Friday-Mon- Tues
MER     276-  278-  276 :-)
ACR      1.52-1.44-1.46 :-(
PWR      0.73-0.86-0.90 :-)
JGS MPI SMC/B too stable. URC creeping up.
JGS         26.86- 26.20- 25.6 :-(
MPI        3.48   - 3.35-3.41 :-(
SMB          31.0-31.0- 31.0 :-)
URC           42.90-42-40.9 :-(

Saturday, June 11, 2011


Bulls and bears battle in the market, and the value of your investment sinks
or soars, depending on the actions of total strangers. You cannot control the
markets. You can only decide whether and when to enter or exit trades.
Most traders feel jittery when we enter a trade. Their judgment becomes
clouded by emotions after they join the market crowd. These crowd-induced
emotions make traders deviate from their trading plans and lose money. Elder

Smart Money Indicator


Friday, June 10, 2011

Short Eur - USD 5

This is the problem in catching tops and bottoms, as if you know where the market is headed. You are waiting for a pull back that never came and be left behind. Could have been a cool  30% profit.

Just trade and let the market tell you if ypu are right or wrong, if wrong, you do not have  profit. simply sell, if you have profit, just ride the trend. Lesson learned.