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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

AUD USD Long Take 3

This is why FX is good for beginners, I was whipped in my re-entry at 1.074 , it was making lower lows and lower highs after that, I have exit it with a loss, because that was the trend at that time, have re-entered again as soon as it made new highs. I will not hesitate to exit if it falls again and probably take a rest from FX trading,  it means I am out of sync in FX.

There is also the psychological problem here. You keep on coming back for more which is unhealthy. You feel like you are superman after your right calls,

There's a theory in psychology called the intermittent reinforcement. It says that if an animal gets what it wants, even in a small percentage of cases, it will keep coming back for more:  Stan Weinsteins  Secrets to Profiting in a Bull and Bear Market.
In many ways, large profits are even more insidious than large losses in terms of emotional destabilization.

I think it's important not to be emotionally attached to large profits. I've certainly made some of my worst trades after long periods of winning. When you're on a big winning streak, there's a temptation to think that you're doing something special, which will allow you to continue to propel yourself upward. You start to think that you can afford to make shoddy decisions. You can imagine what happens next. As a general rule, losses make you strong and profits make you weak. William Eckhardt – Market Wizard

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