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Sunday, January 2, 2011

Trend Follower 2010 Review

Biggest gains for 2010, simply sitting tight, Not a Brokers Dream.
                 AEV      A.Exit       Gain       Dec. 30 2010 Closed
ACR        1.24  -     1.50     18%        1.41
I              4.95 -      6.20      22%        3.34    good exit without volume
PX        11.54-      16.75       47%      15.96
DMC      9.5   -   19.00      95%       36.00    This hurts more than losing.
URC      15.00-   32.50    110%      34.95
RFM       1.26       1.65      27%        1.75
FLI         1.01 -     1.18     14%         1.31
LPZ        4.05  -    5.18     26%         5.31
LCB       0.51   -   0.60     14%         0.455
MPI       3.20       3.79      13%        3.89

Biggest Losers, Imagine If I hold on to these losers, look at Dec 30 closed from my exit price.
Only CMT and Cybr went above my entry price. My capital could have been tied up and missed the big moves.

                       AEV      Exit       Gain    Dec. 30 2010 Closed
CPM                7.0      4.85       -33%    2.34
IMI                  38      17.0        -33%    8.20  (ceiling plays and stupidly held on to it.)
EEI                  4.11     4.01      - 5%     3.93
FGEN           13.6     12.96       -7%    12.18 Good FA but down.
CMT               2.00     1.75      -15%     2.02
cybr                0.64      0.60       -9%      .67
MIC               3.35      3.30       -4%     2.99

"Don’t worry about catching tops or bottoms, that’s fools play." Livermore

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