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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I found a Trend Follower Too.

"I have 1 prediction however. I predict that No one will accurately predict anything in the markets next year. Do not confuse luck and predicting correctly. Any trade is 50/50 & so is a prediction. I am not willing to gamble my money that way. Trend following gives me an edge that enables me to compound my money overtime with a thought out plan. Luck and a thought out plan are not congruent. No one has this magical crystal ball to accurately predict over time.
I am humble enough (enough market experience) that I know that I have no idea what will happen tomorrow, an hour from now and most importantly in any market that I trade.The good news in order to make money we do not need to predict anything. Successful trend followers follow a thought out plan.
Everyone wants to be told which markets to buy or sell or what to do. They listen intently to CNBC or Bloomberg waiting to hear tips of the proverbial Holy Grail. Guess what, they do not know either even though they try to instill confidence they do.
If you want to succeed and compound your money over time, You need a robust trend following plan that you follow diligently and have the patience to let it work over time."

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