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Sunday, July 10, 2011

Psychology of Fear

How can you trade properly if you fear the market. Say, you plan to buy stock xxx on Monday, and bad news came on Monday, and stock xxx went up, you did not buy because of the bad news, then what?

You will say, you will buy it when it re traces, bad news persist ( as always ), and stock xxx went further up.
So, you have a fear of being left behind, you buy stock xxx, ( bahala na si batman), then stock xxx went against your position, FEAR of losing sets, you hold and hope that it goes up, because batman said so.

Does this fear ever happens to you??

As I always said, just buy and let the market tell you if you are right or wrong, if you are losing, sell, if you are gaining, hold and wait for danger signals.

As per Livermore quote, "Danger signals does not work 100% of the time, but if you pay closed attention to it, you will  immensely profit from it."

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