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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

From My Diary Posted Last Sunday July 17.

If you notice, most of my picks except alco and eli were Blue chips and second  liners and from the 18 picks, only 4 went down and only a few flucs on a bearish Dow week, That is why I am surprise that most gurus were talking about garbage stocks only , they were too fixated in the garbage stocks.    Or maybe they were ipits in the garbage run that they forgot that some blue chips were moving hard, like URC, BDO, AP, SMC, PCOR.  

Also, as posted last Sunday, mining super bullish, super bullish indeed.
I taught ALCO was ripe for ceiling games, I was wrong, barely move, lots of selling pressure on top.

There were only 12 viewers last Sunday, which I believed not capable of moving markets unless they are fundies.

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